Product Launch

launchOnce a product is developed, effectively product launch becomes the critical step to its success. The Product Launch Process must address all the steps necessary to start volume production, plan and execute marketing activities, develop needed documentation, train sales and support personnel (internal and external), fill channels, and prepare to install and support the product.

A very generalized view of a product launch looks something like this…

  • Create lead magnet tease pages to get optins
  • Build a list of prospective buyers in your target audience.
  • Develop a hot product that is in demand by your list.
  • Tweak your sales process until it is rock-solid.
  • Create pre-launch buzz by “teasing” your subs with details.
  • Find influential partners to promote you on “launch day”.
  • Create more buzz by revealing case studies of results.
  • Announce your product to list on launch day with some kind of limit or deadline to further get them to act now.
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